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Sheriff Update 2/5/22

It’s hard to believe election season is nearly upon us. I pulled my petition in January to run for re-election as your Grundy County Sheriff for the next four years. I want to thank you for your continued support over the last several years and look forward to serving the citizens of Grundy County for the next four years.

Just to recap our goals for 2021:

  • We upgraded and replaced all the cameras in the jail, courthouse, and Sheriff’s Office.
  • We promoted the first female to Deputy Chief here at the Sheriff’s Office.
  • We have created a Pro-Active unit with the assistance of police agencies here in Grundy County. This unit has several responsibilities here in Grundy County to include taking drugs and drug users off the streets. Since the unit’s inception in March or 2021 we made 38 felony arrests, 13 misdemeanor arrests, and 22 warrant arrests. This unit seized 729 grams of meth, 1227 grams of heroin, and 401 grams of other drugs. In addition, they removed 8 illegal firearms from our streets.
  • Rescue Task Force training for all law enforcement officers and fire/EMS personnel was completed. This training better prepares all first responders to work together to save lives in the event of an active shooter type event.
  • We added a fourth drone pilot to the Sheriff’s Office staff. Pilots were used in the battery fire in Morris to fly the event so first responders could assess the incident from a safe distance.
  • Stop sticks were added to all Grundy Sheriff’s patrol vehicles. We have seen an increase in pursuits in Grundy County. Pursuits are dangerous for the public and stop sticks were deployed successfully multiple times to stop those offenders fleeing from the police.
  • We have a new evidence processing area in the Sheriff’s Office. Prior to this area, Deputies processed dangerous drugs and other hazardous materials on computer workspace tables.

As you are aware the Illinois Legislature passed unprecedented laws hampering the ability for law enforcement officers to do their job. The passing of these new laws has emboldened criminal activity across our state and ignored the rights of victims. In Grundy County I am proud to say our law enforcement officers are committed to putting bad guys in jail. As your Sheriff that will continue! We will do everything within our power to ensure Grundy County remains a safe place to work and call home.

Over the next several months I will do as I’ve done the past three years, provide you with monthly updates on the past year and the goals for 2022.

It is an extreme honor to represent the citizens of Grundy County as your Sheriff and with your help and support I will continue to serve with pride. Please consider donating to my campaign. Checks can be mailed to; Friends to Elect Ken Briley PO Box 243, Morris, Illinois 60450. Every dollar helps so please consider donating today.

Thank you!

Yours in service,
